pickwell foundation

Climate Change

Find out about some of the current and recent organisations that we have supported



In 2020 when COP26 was postponed due to COVID, 330 youth delegates representing over 140 countries gathered online for MOCK COP26. With support from our friends at ClientEarth, these youth activists produced a global declaration to world leaders with 18 policies across 6 areas. They then campaigned their national political leaders to implement parts of the treaty in the build up to the Glasgow COP.

As a result of their advocacy work, they were invited to become official partners of the Education Minister’s summit at COP. This resulted in a national pledges from individuals governments and joint declaration. They are continuing to work with the UK and Egyptian governments to enable a greater youth voice at COP27.

Industry Tracker

Industry Tracker provides investor engagement education to help accelerate industrial de-carbonisation. It focuses on the largest global players in climate critical industries (such as cement and steel) that are crucial to our pathways to net-zero. It provides independent research and analysis to help investors and companies with their transition plans and net zero targets.

Part of the investor watch group who created ‘Carbon Tracker’ and ‘Planet Tracker’ they provide critical research to accelerate the movement of capital and markets through a transition to a low carbon economy.


ClientEarth is a charitable organisation of environmental activist lawyers. They work to protect the environment through advocacy, litigation and science. They recognise that strong laws are the best tools that we have to protect the environment. They work on this by; assisting in the writing of environmental law; ensuring that relevant law is properly implemented; and helping hold businesses and governments to account.

The Pickwell Foundation is really pleased to have supported their ‘Climate Accountability’ initiative over a number of years. This initiative is working to develop the legal, scientific and academic evidence on the legal liability of CO2 emitters. Through this they are looking to find compensation for their contribution to the damage caused by man made climate change. In turn this can then drive climate change mitigation by compelling states and corporations to take responsibility through meaningful action to reduce their emissions.

Renewable World

Renewable World tackles poverty by providing energy-poor rural communities with access to small-scale, community owned renewable energy solutions. In doing this they aim to address the root causes of poverty; to support people to create new income generating opportunities; to reduce the health impacts of the use of dangerous polluting fuels such as kerosene; and to cut carbon emissions and promote environmental sustainability. They work with local partners to provide training so that communities can benefit most fully from the opportunities the new energy brings.

We supported Renewable World’s project in Eastern Nicaragua. This helped 65 households and 6 microenterprises across three remote communities to access home and enterprise solar energy systems through a bespoke micro-credit system.


Peers for the Planet

Peers for the Planet is a the House of Lords climate and biodiversity action group. It believes that Peers have the opportunity and the responsibility to provide thought leadership and action on the climate and biodiversity crises. As the second Chamber the Lords has the power to initiate and significantly alter and amend legislation.

Launched in 2020, it now has the membership of over 120 peers with 3 main aims:

  • To win ambitious UK policies and laws that can offer a blueprint internationally
  • To provide international leadership through its partnerships with other parliaments, NGO’s, scientists and business.
  • To ensure that diverse views from civic society are heard in parliamentary discussion of our planetary future.


The UK is the second-largest oil and gas producer in Europe. At the same time, clean, affordable and abundant alternatives to fossil fuels continue to race ahead. Uplift’s mission is to support and energise the movement towards a just and fossil free UK. It uses political and legal strategies to help the UK move past oil and gas production, while empowering and supporting workers and communities who rely on the industry for their livelihoods.

Uplift is founded and directed by the international climate change and human rights lawyer, Tessa Khan, named by Time Magazine as one of the top 15 women leading the fight against climate change.